Do you still have some unanswered questions? This section should help you find these answers. It is also possible to contact the hosts with any unanswered question.
When will the conference be hosted?
Digi Micro Summit will take place from the 27th of December till the 29th of December 2024
Where will the conference be hosted?
The summit will take place on the metaverse. You can register here: https://form.jotform.com/241345547568364
What is the Metaverse?
The Metaverse is an interactive space where micronationalists can meet and interact with each other. The Metaverse allows also for the instalment of large virtual cultural exhibits.
How much does it cost to attend to the conference?
There is no cost, it is free.
Is press allowed?
Yes, to request a press pass please email: [email protected]
Is there a minimum age for participation?
Yes, the minimum age is 13 years old.
Can I give a presentation?
When registering for the summit, you’ll be allowed to submit a request to give a presentation. You will need to state the title of the presentation, the content of your presentation, and any relevant experience regarding the presentation. This does not guarantee that you will be able to give a presentation; that is up to the hosts. After registration, you will be emailed within a few days regarding your request to give a presentation.
If your presentation is approved, you will be asked to join a 1:1 session with the hosts, they will give you a tutorial on the platform. As a precaution we would prefer if each presenter records their presentation, incase the presenter is unable to come, or technical difficulties arise.